Chinese to English

How to say The s are very happy to b Ck at school again. They like schoo . They are glad to see•ea er in English?

The s are very happy to b ck at school at school. They like schoo . They are are glad to see ea er

More translations for The s are very happy to b Ck at school again. They like schoo . They are glad to see•ea er

They dont see ya  🇬🇧🇭🇰  佢哋唔见你
Law, they wont would have come to most  🇬🇧🇭🇰  法律, 佢哋唔會嚟最
Well, they were when it come to you mouth  🇬🇧🇭🇰  嗯, 佢哋嗰陣時, 佢黎到你口
These are radio, you know, the radio, like the music  🇬🇧🇭🇰  呢啲係收音機, 你知道, 收音機, 就音樂噉
They hoe  🇬🇧🇭🇰  佢剷
They home  🇬🇧🇭🇰  他們回家了
They left already they talk your husband maam  🇬🇧🇭🇰  佢哋已經走咗, 佢同你老公咩說話了
They hyping dog  🇬🇧🇭🇰  佢地讚美狗
But they left  🇬🇧🇭🇰  但佢哋離開咗
No, they dont you said no so you want to boot up  🇬🇧🇭🇰  冇, 佢哋唔係你話唔, 所以你想啟動
You said you are I see h a  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你話你係我睇嘅
Did they know more  🇬🇧🇭🇰  佢哋知道更多嗎
The photos are true, the photos, true, ok  🇬🇧🇭🇰  相係真嘅, 相係真嘅, 好唔好
Yes maam they left already  🇬🇧🇭🇰  係呀, 咩, 佢哋都離開咗
This are  🇬🇧🇭🇰  噉係
David are  🇬🇧🇭🇰  大衛係
Maam the police are here just now  🇬🇧🇭🇰  夫人, 差人頭先喺呢度
Do you like see me  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你鍾意見我呀
You don’t like see me  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你唔鐘意見到我
Lower they wont come gym mouse  🇬🇧🇭🇰  低, 佢哋唔會嚟健身房鼠標

More translations for The s are very happy to b ck at school at school. They like schoo . They are are glad to see ea er

They dont see ya  🇬🇧🇭🇰  佢哋唔见你
These are radio, you know, the radio, like the music  🇬🇧🇭🇰  呢啲係收音機, 你知道, 收音機, 就音樂噉
This are  🇬🇧🇭🇰  噉係
David are  🇬🇧🇭🇰  大衛係
At the market  🇬🇧🇭🇰  在市場上
You said you are I see h a  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你話你係我睇嘅
How are you  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你好吗
You are wonderful  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你真係太好了
You are good  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你真好
Who are you  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你係邊個
Where are you  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你喺邊度
Are you okay  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你冇事啩
Are you alone  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你獨自一人嗎
Are you Jane  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你係簡呀
Are you drink  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你喝酒嗎
Are you ok  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你冇事啩
Law, they wont would have come to most  🇬🇧🇭🇰  法律, 佢哋唔會嚟最
The photos are true, the photos, true, ok  🇬🇧🇭🇰  相係真嘅, 相係真嘅, 好唔好
Maam the police are here just now  🇬🇧🇭🇰  夫人, 差人頭先喺呢度
Whats your school  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你哋嘅學校係咩