English to Chinese

How to say This weekSorry for delay in Chinese?


More translations for This weekSorry for delay

Delay  🇬🇧🇭🇰  延遲
Delay lol  🇬🇧🇭🇰  延遲笑
This are  🇬🇧🇭🇰  噉係
What is this  🇬🇧🇭🇰  係點麽
Some people like this  🇬🇧🇭🇰  有些人喜歡這樣
This is my noodles  🇬🇧🇭🇰  係我嘅麵條
This is your noodles  🇬🇧🇭🇰  呢个系你嘅麵條
This is a blow dry  🇬🇧🇭🇰  係吹干
You talk to me this month 25 to 30 you need this home  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你今個月 25到30岁, 你要呢個屋企
SOMETHlNG то НОРЕ FOR  🇬🇧🇭🇰  某特·赫尔恩
How much for money  🇬🇧🇭🇰  幾多錢
Best wishes for you  🇬🇧🇭🇰  祝福你
Send photo for up  🇬🇧🇭🇰  向上發送照片
She mommy, this one mommy daughter  🇬🇧🇭🇰  佢媽媽, 呢個亞媽個女
Is this still available.so I’m interested  🇬🇧🇭🇰  重係 available.so 我感興趣嗎
How many money in this car  🇬🇧🇭🇰  呢架車幾錢
Pick up service for you  🇬🇧🇭🇰  為你接取服務
Wow, this lady, this lady, Barbara Kruger. She said, many people live, dont tell the truth  🇬🇧🇭🇰  嘩, 呢位女士, 呢位女士, 芭芭拉·克鲁格 佢話, 好多人活著, 唔講真
change this direct speech into indirect speech  🇬🇧🇭🇰  将呢种直接講話改為間接講說話
Could you sign for me please  🇬🇧🇭🇰  你可以為我簽名呀

More translations for 这周抱歉耽搁了

抱歉  🇨🇳🇭🇰  唔好意思
お待たせしました  🇯🇵🇭🇰  好抱歉讓你久等了
Im very sorry also maam  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我很抱歉, 咩
抱歉,没听懂  🇨🇳🇭🇰  唔好意思, 唔明囉
抱歉啊,我忘记发给你了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  唔好意思呀, 我唔記得發給你了
抱歉,我没看到你的邮件  🇨🇳🇭🇰  唔好意思, 我冇見到你件郵件
我周末拍的多了去了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我周末拍多了去了
周璐璐睡觉了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  周璐璐睡覺了
cuddles  🇬🇧🇭🇰  擁抱
道歉书  🇨🇳🇭🇰  道歉書
谈谈情,然后再抱抱  🇨🇳🇭🇰  談談情, 然後再抱抱
羽田謝々  🇯🇵🇭🇰  羽田道歉
周杰伦  🇨🇳🇭🇰  周杰倫
周建好坏  🇨🇳🇭🇰  周建好壞
apologize to christine  🇬🇧🇭🇰  向克里斯汀道歉
这点算啥,我周末都排好  🇨🇳🇭🇰  這點算咩, 我周末都排好
周露露同学  🇨🇳🇭🇰  周露露同學
英语周四国  🇨🇳🇭🇰  英文周四國
周世国神经  🇨🇳🇭🇰  周世国神經
一周年快乐  🇨🇳🇭🇰  一周年快樂