English to Chinese

How to say I have this, I buy it, I got it, I gather the grass like that in Chinese?


More translations for I have this, I buy it, I got it, I gather the grass like that

I got Tom  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我有汤姆
I have  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我有
What is the key of the eset32? I need it  🇬🇧🇭🇰  eset32 嘅鎖匙係乜? 我需要佢
I like Asian girls, I know you like foreign girls  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我中意亞洲女仔, 我知你鍾意鬼妹
I dont like you  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我唔鍾意你
I like you more  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我更喜歡你
Really I like you  🇬🇧🇭🇰  真系我中意你
I  🇬🇧🇭🇰  Ⅰ
I know I know, I watch on TV  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我知道, 我喺電視度睇
Excuse me, I book a room online before, and I want to check it now  🇬🇧🇭🇰  sorry, 我之前在網上訂了一個房間, 而家我想查吓
I have a stomach choice  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我有胃嘅選擇
Can I have your autograph  🇬🇧🇭🇰  能有你既簽名呀
I have gone to the hospital 3 times  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我去醫院三次了
A day I do I  🇬🇧🇭🇰  一日我做我
Excuse me, I made a warm, all night before and I want to try it now  🇬🇧🇭🇰  對唔住, 我做咗一個溫暖嘅, 夜前, 我想而家嘗試一下
The way I walk, it will take me one day, to get to the apartment  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我走路的方式, 有一日我才能到達樓
The comment I did oh  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我既評論哦
Can I call, the taste  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我可以叫呢個味道嗎
Can I read the thing  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我能讀懂嘢呀
I dont  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我冇啊

More translations for 我有这个,我买了,我收到了,我收集草那样

我知道了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我收到喇
那行我把你收了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  得我把你收咗
知道了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  收到
I am mad  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我瘋了
没有收到  🇨🇳🇭🇰  冇收到
不理我我走了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  唔睬我我走了
有收据  🇨🇳🇭🇰  有收據
我知道你了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我知你了
I met  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我相遇了
나도 먹었어 끝났다  🇰🇷🇭🇰  我都食了
这我不要了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我唔要了
我也到了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我都去了
我爱你,我想你了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我愛你, 我想你了
我快到了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我快到
我肚子饿了,我想吃饭  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我肚餓了, 我想食飯
我喜欢草莓  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我喜歡草莓
我都被凶了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我都被惡了
我被别人凶了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我被人猛了
你想我了吗  🇨🇳🇭🇰  你想我了嗎
我终于赢了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我終於贏了