English to Chinese

How to say I went to Japan yesterday in Chinese?


More translations for I went to Japan yesterday

I put to you  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我將你放咗
I going to bathe in  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我要去洗澡了
I made a tune, online before, and I want to check in  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我做了一個調子, 在網上之前, 我想 check
I have gone to the hospital 3 times  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我去醫院三次了
I broke a twin room, online before, and I want to check him  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我打爛咗一個雙床房, 在網上之前, 我想 check 佢
I broke a turn on, all night before and I want to check in  🇬🇧🇭🇰  隔夜夜晚, 我成晚不在地打開, 我想登記入住
I book a twin room all night before and I want to check in  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我前一晚預訂雙床房, 我想登記入住
The way I walk, it will take me one day, to get to the apartment  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我走路的方式, 有一日我才能到達樓
Excuse me, I book a room online before, and I want to check it now  🇬🇧🇭🇰  sorry, 我之前在網上訂了一個房間, 而家我想查吓
Hey, I woke yellow like her, house empty to Putin  🇬🇧🇭🇰  嘿, 我學她一樣醒來, 房子空住去畀普京
I dont go have a heart to hate me when  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我唔去有一粒心憎我嗰陣時
I understand to give a physical phone but yes maybe you mean a number to call  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我識過一個物理電話, 但係 D, 或者你打電話嘅意思係一個號碼
Excuse me, I made a warm, all night before and I want to try it now  🇬🇧🇭🇰  對唔住, 我做咗一個溫暖嘅, 夜前, 我想而家嘗試一下
Going to to hang, gone to to hi  🇬🇧🇭🇰  去打, 去打個盹兒
I  🇬🇧🇭🇰  Ⅰ
I know I know, I watch on TV  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我知道, 我喺電視度睇
i am passing light of peace, love and prosperity for 2020 to you  🇬🇧🇭🇰  我傳遞和平之光, 鍾意同繁榮嘅2020年畀你
A day I do I  🇬🇧🇭🇰  一日我做我
O. K maam I will remember and do that what you say to me  🇬🇧🇭🇰  好啦, 夫人, 我會記住, 做你對我講嘅
Time to  🇬🇧🇭🇰  係時候喇

More translations for 我昨天去了日本

明天我要去日本了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  明天我要去日本了
后天我要去日本了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  後天我要去日本了
我后天要回日本了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我後日要返日本了
我明年去日本玩  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我出年去日本玩
觉得反正要回日本了,卖了再去日本买新的  🇨🇳🇭🇰  覺得反正要返日本了, 賣了再去日本買新嘅
唉,昨天  🇨🇳🇭🇰  唉, 昨天
你要买吗?我后天要回日本了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  你要買咩? 我後日要返日本了
还没有发给我  🇯🇵🇭🇰  日本
你还要买吗?我后天要回日本了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  你都要買呀? 我後日要返日本了
昨天  🇨🇳🇭🇰  琴日
我也到了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我都去了
今天下午我跟同学出去了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  今日下午我同同學去了
另外,我昨日过激了,对不起  🇨🇳🇭🇰  另外, 我昨日過激啦, 唔該
我明天再回去  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我聽日再回去
我后天去深圳  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我後日去深圳
日本大学  🇨🇳🇭🇰  日本大學
昨天晚上  🇨🇳🇭🇰  琴晚
我今天要去香港  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我今日要去香港
我明天就走了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我聽日就走了
我周末拍的多了去了  🇨🇳🇭🇰  我周末拍多了去了